Myofascial cupping


Myofascial cupping

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of therapy in which special silicon cups are placed on the skin. We practice dry-cupping which does not involve the use of flames or needles. This form of tissue therapy is both intense and yet deeply relaxing. It can also be combined with any other form of massage, especially if you have a specific area that requires extra attention.

Schedule a
Myofascial cupping
Myofascial cupping
Cost per hour:
BEst for:
Alleviate muscle soreness
Reduce muscle knots
Restore muscle balance
Increase circulation to the muscles

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Feel free to get in touch. We're here to help.

Covid precautions: keeping you safe!

Covid precautions: keeping you safe!Our therapists have attended a Covid Safety course specific to the Massage industry, giving them clearer understanding of how to keep you safe.

Prior to entering your building we will use antibacterial hand gel and be in a clean set of clothes. We will wear masks as soon as we enter your accommodation and will require masks to be worn by the person receiving the massage for the duration of the massage and anyone in the vicinity of the therapist. We will use disinfectant that kills the Covid 19 virus on the massage table and surrounding surfaces between customers.

For your safety we also use fresh towels and change uniform and mask between venues. We ask the customers to prepare an area for the massage that is free from soft furnishings where possible, such as cushions, throws, pillows, clothes. These can easily be placed under bed clothes or in a wardrobe to reduce the possibility of contamination.

Our therapists will complete a Covid screening questionnaire daily and will stop work immediately to be tested should they display any Covid symptoms. We hope that these precautions will reassure you.

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